Pre-Press and Press I Fall 2010

This class taught us all the steps...from idea to binding...for an offset press printing project. This class was totally hands-on. We helped set up the imposition, generated the printing plates, set up the press and cleaned the blanket...a lot!  :-)

Project #1


The first project was to make notepads. These were printed, cut and bound with a cardboard backing.

Final Project


Most of the work for this class centered on our final project which was to create and print a 1-color booklet between 12 and 28 pages long. We would be printing them 4-up.

My daughter wrote a special book for me to use for this project. She writes and illustrates manga-style comics. This short book was written as an introduction to her work. Her wish was to have this book bound in the traditional Japanese manga style-which is back to front, right to left reading.

Even though I didn't need to create any of the artwork for this project, I still had plenty to do. :-)

These pages were presented to me as graphite on paper. All images needed to be scanned and electronically prepared for print, which involved cropping, cleaning up stray lines, and converting her hand-written text into type...a bit tricky when she crammed a lot of words into a small text bubble.

At printing time, the imposition got a bit confusing since the program we used was designed to impose for standard front to back, left to right reading. But everything came out perfectly in the end. Here are the pages, first page to last.

Front Cover

Back Page

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